Sunday, April 18, 2010

More powder skiing in Chamonix

The other day we headed out in search of more powder. All the easy to access lines seemed to be heavily skied, but luckily Dave, Dusan, and John had the brilliant idea of going to the top of the aiguille de belvedere, istead of just going to the col like hundreds of people before us. The extra thirty minutes of bootpacking afforded us a completely untracked steep chute that was sloughing big... Here Dave and Dusan stand in front of the Aiguilles Rouge, the range on the north side of the Chamonix Valley. Here's a shot looking east from the top of the aiguille de belvedere, you can see our bootpack coming up from the col, where everyone seems to drop in. This run put us down in the Berard Valley where we had a several mile long ski out to the town of Buet. In Buet we enjoyed some beers before jumping on the train back to Chamonix.
And dropping, Dave dives into a sweet but heavily sloughing pow run. This run was pretty steep, but really pretty mellow by Chamonix standards...
And Dusan follows suit, scoring a little pow for himself. I went last down this section and covered the boys in the cloud from my slough, apparently it was pretty exciting, but I didn't even see it happen. It was another good day of adventure in the mountains around Chamonix.

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